Hi all I am George from Switzerland. I am also leaving my 30's very soon :) I am using BiT since 2011 to backup my /home and /etc. Several times already it helped me to restore lost/corrupted/overwritten data. Using the callbacks I also export the DPKG list of installed packages. This helps a lot on setting up a new system (clean install) and quickly restoring most of the applications. I love most on BiT that the backups are also accessible without the need of BiT, just in case :) I am an embedded software developer, mainly writing ANSI C. In the last decade I more and more moved to Python for coding test systems and tools. Also at my work I am responsible for Software Architecture and CI/CD (mainly using Docker and Gitlab). Beside of this I have experience in other programming/scripting languages like Bash, PHP, MYSQL, Javascript, ... In my private time I maintain some medium networks and servers. Some of my projects/work are located in https://github.com/caco3?tab=repositories Greetings George (aka CaCO3)