Hello Christian, Thanks for the effort, it's greatly appreciated. While you polish them to a higher standard to be publishable*, is it possible to see the intermediate forms, so we (or at least I) can offer some feedback to make process simpler for you? As a sysadmin, I handle a lot of shell scripts, so I'd love to read yours and try to make it more readable, if you wish of course. Thanks again, Cheers, Hakan *: Thunderbird doesn't underline the word red, so I guess that's a word. On 7.12.2022 09:35, c.buhtz@posteo.jp wrote:
Hey Folks,
it is on my todo list to make my BIT-test-environment-helper-scripts publishable (is this a word?).
For a first shoot I added my quick & dirty timefake script. It's intention is to call a command (CMD) once "each day" (means: multiple times) starting N days in the past.
I use that script to create, manipulate and backup via BIT some test files each day (in the past).
On 2022-12-05 17:18 BiT dev <python@altfeld-im.de> wrote:
On Thu, 2022-11-24 at 07:43 +0000, c.buhtz@posteo.jp wrote:
faketime -d "12:00" -c crond --restart
My Ubuntu 20.04 does not know the "-d" and "-c" options, do you use another version?
It was just my pseudo code. ;)
faketime -f '-7d' /bin/bash -c "CMD"
The syntax for the "-f" values is described in the manpage of course. Here it means that the following command is executed with a datetime exactly 7 days in the past from now.
Greetings Christian
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