On Thu, 2022-09-29 at 21:16 +0000, c.buhtz@posteo.jp wrote:
But on ppc64le pip is not able to build PyQt5. The bug is known but I couldn't find a solution. But the Ubuntu package people did some magic and where able to create deb package on a ppc64le architecture. Simply install "sudo apt install python3-pyqt5". But we know this isn't seen in a virtual environment.
What a pity, ppc64le was my personal playground, I had a IBM Power9 server at hand until a recently but gave it away. If I had known that... ;-)
But there are "special" python interpreter setups for cases where you also want to see the distros own python packages and its own system python interpreter (outside the virtual environment). Ubuntu 20 use Python 3.8. You don't have to tell travis "3.8" but "3.8_with_system_site_packages". And then I had to learn how to hack that into a travis config file.
This travis config do run Python 3.6, 3.9., 3.10 on AMD64 by default and extra (see ":jobs :include" section) one run on a ppc64le architecture with the Ubuntus own Python 3.8. This works. :D
Very good work, Travis is far from being easy to set up!