Basic queston about sshtools.SSH and sshfs

Hello folks, this is a basic question because I don't understand all the things that happening in the background of BIT and the external tools used. See the docstring for class "sshtools.SSH". It explains that it "mount the remote path with sshfs". But some lines later it says "The real takeSnapshot process will use rsync over ssh. Other commands run remote over ssh". The last sentence is how I understood BIT in the past. So what is sshfs for? Why doe BIT use it? Why do we need to mount a remote (via sshfs) when rsync itself doesn't use that mount point? Kind Christian

Hi, Christian! The answer is here: – You're lucky I saw it by accident a few days ago, and remembered it now :) sshfs is used to explore the snapshot list on the remote server, and create special files like the permissions list. I guess you could prepare the special files locally before transfer, so you wouldn't need sshfs for that. But your backup would be "write-only" if you couldn't view or manage the snapshot list. This would probably be very tricky with rsync alone. You might use rsync to _list_ the snapshots, but how to specifically _delete_ one for example? It really would be nice to get backintime to work like that. You know what, I'm re-opening that issue. It might be possible, after all. Cheers, Michael On 24.09.2022 11:00, wrote:

Awesome thanks. You are dealing so much with Issues that you might dream of them, aren't you? :D

Hi, Christian! The answer is here: – You're lucky I saw it by accident a few days ago, and remembered it now :) sshfs is used to explore the snapshot list on the remote server, and create special files like the permissions list. I guess you could prepare the special files locally before transfer, so you wouldn't need sshfs for that. But your backup would be "write-only" if you couldn't view or manage the snapshot list. This would probably be very tricky with rsync alone. You might use rsync to _list_ the snapshots, but how to specifically _delete_ one for example? It really would be nice to get backintime to work like that. You know what, I'm re-opening that issue. It might be possible, after all. Cheers, Michael On 24.09.2022 11:00, wrote:

Awesome thanks. You are dealing so much with Issues that you might dream of them, aren't you? :D
participants (2)
Michael Büker