Stopping bit leaves new_snapshot directory
Guys: Today I was running a manual backup and realized i wanted to change a setting ... so I killed the running backup using the GUI, made the change, and kicked it off again. After a while, I started getting a flood of notifications from notify-send like this: [E] Error: rsync: [generator] link "/media/davidg/backupdrive/backintime/L127014/davidg/1/new_snapshot/backup/home/davidg/applications/Postman/app/resources/app/node_modules/neo-async/forEachOf.js" => ../../20240411-120001-713/backup/home/davidg/applications/Postman/app/resources/app/node_modules/neo-async/forEachOf.js failed: File exists (17) I looked at the backup drive and saw the new_snapshot directory from the previous backup still existed. I removed the directory, restarted the backup, and it worked fine. I looked through the code to see if we trapped the termination signal but couldn't find anything. Perhaps we should be trapping that signal and deleting the new_snapshot directory if the backup is terminated? David
participants (1)
David Gibbs