The Buildbot has detected a failed build on builder x86 Gentoo Non-Debug with X 3.x while building python/cpython. Full details are available at: https://buildbot.python.org/all/#builders/58/builds/442
Buildbot URL: https://buildbot.python.org/all/
Worker for this Build: ware-gentoo-x86
Build Reason: <unknown> Blamelist: Soumendra Ganguly <67527439+8vasu@users.noreply.github.com>
BUILD FAILED: failed test (failure)
Summary of the results of the build (if available):
== Tests result: FAILURE then FAILURE ==
414 tests OK.
10 slowest tests:
- test_peg_generator: 7 min 5 sec
- test_tokenize: 3 min 45 sec
- test_concurrent_futures: 3 min 45 sec
- test_multiprocessing_spawn: 2 min 58 sec
- test_asyncio: 2 min 39 sec
- test_lib2to3: 2 min 31 sec
- test_unparse: 2 min 25 sec
- test_multiprocessing_forkserver: 1 min 54 sec
- test_multiprocessing_fork: 1 min 21 sec
- test_io: 1 min 15 sec
1 test failed: test_pty
10 tests skipped: test_devpoll test_gdb test_ioctl test_kqueue test_msilib test_startfile test_winconsoleio test_winreg test_winsound test_zipfile64
1 re-run test: test_pty
Total duration: 35 min 23 sec
Captured traceback
remote: Enumerating objects: 18, done.
remote: Counting objects: 5% (1/18)
remote: Counting objects: 11% (2/18)
remote: Counting objects: 16% (3/18)
remote: Counting objects: 22% (4/18)
remote: Counting objects: 27% (5/18)
remote: Counting objects: 33% (6/18)
remote: Counting objects: 38% (7/18)
remote: Counting objects: 44% (8/18)
remote: Counting objects: 50% (9/18)
remote: Counting objects: 55% (10/18)
remote: Counting objects: 61% (11/18)
remote: Counting objects: 66% (12/18)
remote: Counting objects: 72% (13/18)
remote: Counting objects: 77% (14/18)
remote: Counting objects: 83% (15/18)
remote: Counting objects: 88% (16/18)
remote: Counting objects: 94% (17/18)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (18/18)
remote: Counting objects: 100% (18/18), done.
remote: Compressing objects: 10% (1/10)
remote: Compressing objects: 20% (2/10)
remote: Compressing objects: 30% (3/10)
remote: Compressing objects: 40% (4/10)
remote: Compressing objects: 50% (5/10)
remote: Compressing objects: 60% (6/10)
remote: Compressing objects: 70% (7/10)
remote: Compressing objects: 80% (8/10)
remote: Compressing objects: 90% (9/10)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10)
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (10/10), done.
remote: Total 10 (delta 8), reused 1 (delta 0), pack-reused 0
From https://github.com/python/cpython
branch master -> FETCH_HEAD Reset branch 'master'
not a dynamic executable
not a dynamic executable
Test report
Failed tests:
- test_pty
Sincerely, -The Buildbot