The other day I released PyBindGen 0.8. Main news is that it features a new
experimental header file scanner based on pygccxml (i.e., it's similar to
py++ in scope, if not in maturity, but does not use boost.pythonunderneath).
== What ==
PyBindGen is a Python module that is geared to generating C/C++ code that
binds a C/C++ library for Python. It does so without extensive use of either
C++ templates or C pre-processor macros. It has modular handling of C/C++
types, and can be easily extended …
[View More]with Python plugins. The generated code is
almost as clean as what a human programmer would write, and does not depend
on any library or header files besides Python itself.
== Where ==
== NEWS ==
- Support C++ instance attributes through getter/setter methods
- Support functions as methods of C++ classes
- Support the PyObject* type
- Support unsigned int, C strings (char*) (from Mark Lee)
- Add basic support for enum types
- New experimental automatic module generator based on C/C++
header file scanner and annotations in comments, using pygccxml
- Some bug fixes
Gustavo J. A. M. Carneiro
INESC Porto, Telecommunications and Multimedia Unit
"The universe is always one step beyond logic." -- Frank Herbert
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Hi All,
I'm not sure if this is the right forum to be bringing this up in, but here
goes anyway:
I have a program which we're trying to embed python in, the goal being that
we can use python to tweak various algorithms and extract data from the
core system. To achieve this, and be able to access this data, it's my
intention to pass call backs from the host C program into the python
interpreter which will extract the data and form it into python objects for
further processing -- typically …
[View More]displaying on a webserver etc ...
Is there a sensible mechanism to acheive this, or is a different approach
recommended? I've had a deep trawl through the extending and embedding
document but nothing obvious has presented itself. All help and suggetions
are gratefully received.
Thanks in advance,
----------( I've told you all my secrets, but I lied about )----------
----------( my past, so send me off to bed for ever more ... )----------
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Hello everyone,
I have created the Graphical structure of my software with Glade and now
want a little help from you. I use Windowx XP and have installed everything
correctly and the newest versions..Python, PyGTK, Glade, all...
I have attached the screenshot of the Glade project.. you can see it or you
can see it here:\gladeproject.JPG
I have created two windows named mainWindow and aboutdialog and I want that
when the About Names button is clicked from the mainWindow's …
[View More]toolbar it
should load the aboutdialog and when the button Home Page is clicked from
the mainWindow's toolbar it should also open the aboutdialog. Can you write
this python script for me please??
I have named the click Handler for about button "on_aboutbtnclick" and for
the homepage button I have named it "on_homepage_clicked". You can see the
first one in the image too. Please anyone help me, please??
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