Tell me please, Is there any possibility to pause/resume the work of embedded python interpreter in place, where I need? For example:
C++ pseudo-code part:
script ="python_script.py";
RunScript(script);//-- python script runs till the command 'stop'
//... read values from some variables in python-script
//... do some work ...
//... write new value to some other variables in python-script
ResumeScript(script);//-- python script resumes it's work where// it was stopped. Not from begin! }
Python script pseudo-code part:
#... do some init-work
#... do some work
stop # - here script stops and C++-function RunScript()
# returns control to C++-part
#... After calling C++-function ResumeScript
# the work continues from this line
Is this possible to do with Python/C API?