[capi-sig]Re: New pythoncapi GitHub organization and creation of a test suite for the Python C API

On 2018-08-31 10:31, Victor Stinner wrote:
I don't wante to write unit tests with Cython, cffi or anything else, because I really need very thin control on everything.
You don't need "very thin control on *everything*". You need very thin control on specific parts of the testsuite. And that's the nice thing about Cython: you can easily shift the amount of control that you take. You can write the usual unittest classes and test_FOO methods where you don't care much about control but write fine-tuned C code (either using Cython syntax or C syntax) where you do want control.
Of course you may have other reasons to not want Cython...

Jeroen Demeyer schrieb am 31.08.2018 um 10:49:
Totally agree with Jeroen. Cython makes it trivial to integrate with the current CPython testing infrastructure (as I mentioned somewhere else, we're even using doctests for Cython itself), while giving you any freedom you need for fine grained C-level testing.
Cython's test suite is full of examples:
Here's a simple PyMalloc test that might be relevant for the case at hand:
And some doctest intensive generator tests:
I find doctests a really nice way to write parametrised C tests.
Of course you may have other reasons to not want Cython...

Le sam. 1 sept. 2018 à 08:20, Stefan Behnel <python_capi@behnel.de> a écrit :
I don't know. For me, Cython adds a big layer on top of the C API, and if something bad happens, I would be able to know if the issue comes from the C API, Cython or something else. I like unit tests written in C, because you can debug them directly using gdb: the code that you see in gdb is the code that you debug. Moreover, I'm not sure that Cython does not do anything "magic" behind my back.
Here's a simple PyMalloc test that might be relevant for the case at hand:
The advantage of these tests is the try/finally.
Check is designed for the good case: when the test pass. I don't see how to release resources when a test fails. But since Check does fork by default, side effects of a failing test should be limited. Moreover, the side effects only concern tests which fail, and I'm optimistic: tests should pass in the normal case :-)
Apart of that, it doesn't seem *to me* that tests written with Check are more verbose: https://github.com/pythoncapi/cpython/blob/pythoncapi/capi_tests/test_tuple....
And some doctest intensive generator tests:
Hum, IMHO doctests are too high level for the C API. If possible, I would prefer to not execute Python code in C tests. But it's likely that I will need some Python somewhere ;-)
I find doctests a really nice way to write parametrised C tests.
Using Check, parametrised tests are a litlte bit verbose, I agree:
static void check_PyTuple_New(size_t size) { /* ... */ }
START_TEST(test_PyTuple_New) { check_PyTuple_New(0); check_PyTuple_New(1); check_PyTuple_New(5);
PyObject *tuple = PyTuple_New(-1);
Of course you may have other reasons to not want Cython...
Cython adds another dependency, I would prefer to limit dependencies.
Well, I don't want to take decisions alone. What do other people think about writing tests using Cython instead of Check?

We use Cython a lot to wrap and test C and C++ libraries at work and is true that makes some aspects more simple and easy to express. Also you can leverage integration with other testing tools (pytest, mocks...etc) at to some extent. But I humbly think that Cython is not the best choice for this particular project. One of the reasons is that Cython makes use of the C-API itself, so we can have unwanted and surprising interactions between the usage of the C-APi from Cython and the tested code (I know that this is unlikely, but possible). Another reason is that Cython will auto generate code that has proven to be much more difficult to debug than handcrafted code when the issue is in the translation layer. (Think for example when you pass a string to a function that needs a char* and that function takes ownership of that buffer. In this case when the temporary goes away the memory held by the function is invalid. This is wrong, obviously, but for the person unaware of the issue can be very confusing and somewhat difficult to debug).
I think that Cython should build on top of the C-API and therefore the C-API itself should not depend on Cython even for testing purposes.
On Mon, 3 Sep 2018 at 09:40, Victor Stinner <vstinner@redhat.com> wrote:

On Mon., 3 Sep. 2018, 9:44 pm Victor Stinner, <vstinner@redhat.com> wrote:
One way to implement such a split would be to write the Cython based tests as a separate project that tested across multiple CPython branches (and potentially even across multiple Python implementations).
The Check based tests could then focus on unit testing of individual API calls, while the Cython ones would check for unintended interactions and explore edge cases (perhaps with the aid of Hypothesis).
Cheers, Nick.

On Mon, 3 Sep 2018 at 04:44 Victor Stinner <vstinner@redhat.com> wrote:
I think that makes sense. The worry of unintended issues due to Cython happening to use an C API that's actually under test seems like a reasonable worry. So using Cython for higher-level stuff to make it easier when the unit tests cover the foundations makes sense to me.
I'm not against having more tests :-)
One thing I wanted to mention is I noticed Check is LGPL: https://github.com/libcheck/check/blob/master/COPYING.LESSER . This might be a problem to include it in CPython's repo or in distributing the tests as part of the source for any other reason than anyone who wants to keep all copyleft code out will have to strip out the C tests.

Jeroen Demeyer schrieb am 31.08.2018 um 10:49:
Totally agree with Jeroen. Cython makes it trivial to integrate with the current CPython testing infrastructure (as I mentioned somewhere else, we're even using doctests for Cython itself), while giving you any freedom you need for fine grained C-level testing.
Cython's test suite is full of examples:
Here's a simple PyMalloc test that might be relevant for the case at hand:
And some doctest intensive generator tests:
I find doctests a really nice way to write parametrised C tests.
Of course you may have other reasons to not want Cython...

Le sam. 1 sept. 2018 à 08:20, Stefan Behnel <python_capi@behnel.de> a écrit :
I don't know. For me, Cython adds a big layer on top of the C API, and if something bad happens, I would be able to know if the issue comes from the C API, Cython or something else. I like unit tests written in C, because you can debug them directly using gdb: the code that you see in gdb is the code that you debug. Moreover, I'm not sure that Cython does not do anything "magic" behind my back.
Here's a simple PyMalloc test that might be relevant for the case at hand:
The advantage of these tests is the try/finally.
Check is designed for the good case: when the test pass. I don't see how to release resources when a test fails. But since Check does fork by default, side effects of a failing test should be limited. Moreover, the side effects only concern tests which fail, and I'm optimistic: tests should pass in the normal case :-)
Apart of that, it doesn't seem *to me* that tests written with Check are more verbose: https://github.com/pythoncapi/cpython/blob/pythoncapi/capi_tests/test_tuple....
And some doctest intensive generator tests:
Hum, IMHO doctests are too high level for the C API. If possible, I would prefer to not execute Python code in C tests. But it's likely that I will need some Python somewhere ;-)
I find doctests a really nice way to write parametrised C tests.
Using Check, parametrised tests are a litlte bit verbose, I agree:
static void check_PyTuple_New(size_t size) { /* ... */ }
START_TEST(test_PyTuple_New) { check_PyTuple_New(0); check_PyTuple_New(1); check_PyTuple_New(5);
PyObject *tuple = PyTuple_New(-1);
Of course you may have other reasons to not want Cython...
Cython adds another dependency, I would prefer to limit dependencies.
Well, I don't want to take decisions alone. What do other people think about writing tests using Cython instead of Check?

We use Cython a lot to wrap and test C and C++ libraries at work and is true that makes some aspects more simple and easy to express. Also you can leverage integration with other testing tools (pytest, mocks...etc) at to some extent. But I humbly think that Cython is not the best choice for this particular project. One of the reasons is that Cython makes use of the C-API itself, so we can have unwanted and surprising interactions between the usage of the C-APi from Cython and the tested code (I know that this is unlikely, but possible). Another reason is that Cython will auto generate code that has proven to be much more difficult to debug than handcrafted code when the issue is in the translation layer. (Think for example when you pass a string to a function that needs a char* and that function takes ownership of that buffer. In this case when the temporary goes away the memory held by the function is invalid. This is wrong, obviously, but for the person unaware of the issue can be very confusing and somewhat difficult to debug).
I think that Cython should build on top of the C-API and therefore the C-API itself should not depend on Cython even for testing purposes.
On Mon, 3 Sep 2018 at 09:40, Victor Stinner <vstinner@redhat.com> wrote:

On Mon., 3 Sep. 2018, 9:44 pm Victor Stinner, <vstinner@redhat.com> wrote:
One way to implement such a split would be to write the Cython based tests as a separate project that tested across multiple CPython branches (and potentially even across multiple Python implementations).
The Check based tests could then focus on unit testing of individual API calls, while the Cython ones would check for unintended interactions and explore edge cases (perhaps with the aid of Hypothesis).
Cheers, Nick.

On Mon, 3 Sep 2018 at 04:44 Victor Stinner <vstinner@redhat.com> wrote:
I think that makes sense. The worry of unintended issues due to Cython happening to use an C API that's actually under test seems like a reasonable worry. So using Cython for higher-level stuff to make it easier when the unit tests cover the foundations makes sense to me.
I'm not against having more tests :-)
One thing I wanted to mention is I noticed Check is LGPL: https://github.com/libcheck/check/blob/master/COPYING.LESSER . This might be a problem to include it in CPython's repo or in distributing the tests as part of the source for any other reason than anyone who wants to keep all copyleft code out will have to strip out the C tests.
participants (6)
Brett Cannon
Jeroen Demeyer
Nick Coghlan
Pablo Galindo Salgado
Stefan Behnel
Victor Stinner