Hi all,
As per [mypy's instructions][1] (and as in the standard python library), the files are formatted differently than usual. [Black follows this convention][2] and formats more "tersely". However, when using pycodestyle/flake8 the linter shows a lot of unexpected warnings in "pyi" files.
I suggest we make the defaults warnings for the "pyi" file type different from "py" such as there will not be a need to use the following flake8 argument:
flake8 --per-file-ignores='*.pyi:E704,E301,E302,E305,E261' ...
My apologies if this topic was discussed before, but I couldn't find it in this mailing list archives or tickets of related projects.
Best regards,
[1]: https://github.com/python/mypy/wiki/Creating-Stubs-For-Python-Modules
[2]: https://github.com/psf/black#typing-stub-files
I want to get number of statements processed by Pylint. As I have a large
number of python files, printing the count (as a report out) in command
prompt is not a viable option.
Is there any other way that I can handle this ?
Thank you