My name is Nikita Sobolev (https://github.com/sobolevn), I am one of the `eradicate` maintainers: https://github.com/wemake-services/eradicate
Some time ago I had to transfer this project from its original author: https://github.com/myint/
More details: https://github.com/wemake-services/eradicate/pull/17
But, it does not feel quite right to me.
`eradicate` is quite popular and is used by lots of people, right now they might search for it and find that it is stored under `wemake-services` org, which once was a for-profit company. This can clearly create an impression that my former company is the original author. Especially considering how many similar projects are actually created by `wemake-services`.
I don't want to create that impression, because it was created and maintained by myint for a long time. I want to pay respect to the original author (because I really love this project).
So, I thought that maybe moving this project to PyCQA would be the best alternative?
1. I think that the project fits the PyCQA goal
2. myint (the original author) is already a member of PyCQA
3. It is quite popular (500.000+ downloads a month according to https://pypistats.org/packages/eradicate)
4. I can be a maintainer (since I already am + I have a `flake8` plugin built around it: https://github.com/wemake-services/flake8-eradicate)
5. It won't create any false impressions for users
If it is not accepted, I can simply create a brand new org for it. So, don't hesitate to share your feedback!