Hi all! As some of you may have realized, PyCon 2016 took place this week (and sprints are still going on!). A bunch of us from this mailing list (and also those who are no on the list) met up a couple times throughout the week to discuss the Python Code Quality Authority, pycodestyle, Flake8, and other similar projects. Ian Lee, the maintainer of pycodestyle, did a lot of great work organizing a lightning talk, open space, breakfast meetup, and sprint on pycodestyle. Ian and I had a few chances to speak about the future of pycodestyle and Flake8. Those of you following along with the mailing list and some of my probably confusing messages might realize that I'm working on Flake8 3.0 (https://gitlab.com/pycqa/flake8/commits/proposed/3.0) to remove most of our inner dependencies on pycodestyle (while still using it for its expertise in check writing). In looking over the code a little, we've decided to try to turn as much of that work into libraries hosted in the PyCQA as possible so pycodestyle can begin to rely on them as well. Further, some of the responsibilities that Flake8 has taken away from pycodestyle mean that it could, ostensibly, simplify it's internal handling of checks if it wants to (e.g., by removing its handling of AST checks). In conclusion, I think that these meetings were extremely valuable. I recognize that most of us (including me) can't afford to go to too many of these a year, but I wonder if we should start doing virtual meet-ups (perhaps with Google Hangouts on Air) to reap some of the same benefits. I know PyLadies Remote has an account to do this with and I'm sure we could create a similar account for the PyCQA/this mailing list. Cheers, Ian (not Ian Lee... the other Ian ;-) )