On Mon, Jun 29, 2015 at 12:32 PM, Ahirnish Pareek <ahirnish@arista.com> wrote:
Hi all,
I want to add a customized check to my pylintrc file to check and report cases whenever I define a function in a python file like this:
def foo( var1, name1=value, *args ):
The problem that I want to deal with is that we should not have keyword arguments( name1 ) before positional arguments( *args ). Although the function can still be called by passing name1 as positional argument but there would be no way to not specify name1 but specify *args.
How can I add this check to pylintrc file?
Thanks in advance!
Hi, If you already have the checker, you can add it in the load-plugins entry from the pylintrc file, as in `load-plugins=qualified plugin path`. We don't have this check builtin right now, but it's something that could be useful, so if you could send it upstream, that would be really awesome. Thanks, Claudiu