You should keep in mind that these projects don't all use Flake8. Astropy uses only pep8/pycodestyle and scikit-learn uses Simply running flake8 on projects won't be sufficient. You'll have to take into account what style means to each project if you're going to identify the number of style errors. On Sun, Jun 12, 2016 at 11:31 AM, Juan BC <> wrote:
But if i measure a big project i gonna measure the tolerance of some community to the pep8 errors. for example yesterday i running flake8 into astropy repository and they has 11461 errors, but in the scikit-learn case they has only 5.
On Sat, 11 Jun 2016 at 23:19 Ian Lee <> wrote:
Even the Cpython standard library has quite a few violations..
On Saturday, June 11, 2016, Ian Cordasco <> wrote:
On Sat, Jun 11, 2016 at 1:32 PM, Juan BC <> wrote:
Thanks for the quick reply.
I think i gonna retrieve a lots of public gists and store it into dataframe. Also i think to retrieve some uknow python packages. Mostly because the famous ones are really good in quality
That's actually not entirely the case. I can think of a couple "famous" or popular packages that violate PEP-0008 quite a lot because the creator dislikes the style guide.
~ Ian Lee |
Juan BC (from phone)