* Zaki Akhmad <za@python.or.id>, 2018-12-04, 23:49:
I am trying to use prospector to measure my Python code quality but I am getting this ERROR while running prospector.
``` File "/home/za/dev/github/za/prospector101/venv/lib/python3.4/site-packages/_markerlib/markers.py", line 113, in marker_fn return eval(compiled_marker, environment) File "<environment marker>", line 1, in <module> NameError: name 'implementation_name' is not defined ```
Complete traceback would have been more helpful for understanding what's going on.
I installed prospector using pip:
``` $ pip install prospector ```
I've googled it but I don't find any good result.
For me, the second hit on Google is <https://github.com/PyCQA/pylint/issues/2538>, which reports astroid's incompatibility with old setuptools. Upgrading setuptools should fix this. -- Jakub Wilk