Thanks for the suggestions so far! I'll probably end up doing some combination of reading from RSS/Atom then emailing myself with the updates. There seems to be a few services that can do this, but most of them require creating an account and cost money at a certain point. Might be a fun side project for me. :P It's bizarre to me that there's no real standard push-style solution to this problem yet. RSS is great, though I haven't considered using it until now. It'd be a bit of an outlier for me to do that just for flake8. Just some interesting thoughts: Who should be responsible for notifying users of new releases? Developers themselves? Package repositories? SCM systems? What format would be most widely accepted? The information contained in this transmission may be confidential. Any disclosure, copying, or further distribution of confidential information is not permitted unless such privilege is explicitly granted in writing by Quantum. Quantum reserves the right to have electronic communications, including email and attachments, sent across its networks filtered through security software programs and retain such messages in order to comply with applicable data security and retention requirements. Quantum is not responsible for the proper and complete transmission of the substance of this communication or for any delay in its receipt.