
this was interesting to me:

Error numbers in tools such as pep8 and pyflakes (although flake8 adds
them to pyflakes) are usually not made to be entirely successive. For
the most part, there are groupings of errors. The best explanation of
this is pep8's documentation:

Anything starting with E1 is related to indentation, anything starting
with E2 is related to whitespace. These are conceptually classes of
errors. PyLint also follows this convention if I remember correctly
and you would do well to do the same. The error codes that Flake8 adds
to PyFlakes follow that convention as well.

So for my compiler Nuitka, there are very few warnings so far, mostly because
it is very limited in its tracing abilities, but I am expanding this now, and so far
I was kind of clueless on how to properly format error and warning messages.

It probably will a while, before I find the need to expand it, but it would be good
to have a common ground, reusable data. For PyLint, these texts seem spread
out in the variables files.

Is there an easy way to access the PyLint warning/error message texts. Would
you be OK with me to grep these out of PyLint or Wiki, and use them under ASF2
in my project as well. I would of course prefer, for these to exist a place that makes
reuse easier.

Basically, I am saying, why isn't this some kind of standard. And can we make it
