Hi, First I'd like to thank you for all the effort you've done for the Python community. I'd like to share with you my concerns regarding Baron & Redbaron libraries support status. It is important to note that these libraries are very important for the community, as they allow to implement code formatters and linters with ease. I and others have created pull requests and submitted bugs with the hope that they would be merged or at least considered. We then realized that the maintainer, which I have no complaints about, is not supporting the library for a long time. I'd like to offer myself as a co-maintainer for these libraries as I have a closer relationship with them. My company develops many open source libraries, and much more to come. Some of them are Code-Quality related ( https://github.com/Intsights/flake8-intsights). We are developing a formatter to offer an alternative to "black" and "yapf", which depends on Baron&Redbaron, and I'm sure we will do a great job maintaining these libraries. I forgot to mention that I've tried to reach Psychojoker(their maintainer) with no response. Thanks a lot! -- *Gal Ben David | Co-Founder & CTO* *Tel: +972-52-4593004 <%2B972-52-4593004>* *www.intsights.com <http://www.intsights.com/>*
participants (1)
Gal Ben David