Looks Like GitHub is launching new features:
“Projects” - Allows you to make arbitrary columns and arrange your issues/PRs between them. I don’t directly see these as useful, however it could be nice for sprints or something. Overall I think this feature largely works best for projects using Github issues and not for us.
Code Reviews! - This provides a more traditional code review feature set for Pull Requests. When making a comment on a github Pull request you now have the option between “…
[View More]Add a single comment” (what previously existed”) and “Start a review”. This also allows people to submit all their comments at once as Just comments, or with an Approval or Disapproval of the PR as it exists. Approval/disapproval shows up like a CI status check and repositories can optionally have branches flagged as requiring review (which requires at least one approval, and no disapprovals).
They say they’re also working on additional follow up features, like explicit ability to request reviews from someone.
They also allow organizations to mandate 2Factor auth as well— This seems like it might be a good idea for us?
More Information: https://github.com/blog/2256-a-whole-new-github-universe-announcing-new-too…
Donald Stufft
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