Hi guys,

We would like to express our appreciation to all of you for the suggestions you give for the bot. Based on all of those, we created the Github-Bot for checking spelling typos on the pull request based on (https://pypi.org/project/pyspellchecker).


Example like this -> https://github.com/krnick/Gwalstat-test/pull/4

This is an idea suddenly came to us when we find that the CPython project seems to have lots of pull requests for TYPOS, so we think that maybe we could build a bot that checks the typos before merged to the project to reduce the amount of the pull request for typos.

But I found that this robot has a high false-positive rate for CPython Doc files due to the syntax of reStructuredText or some function name as tirkarthi mentioned. This robot only works well for normal documents. It is still useful as a confirmation before merge.

We would consistently make progress on this.

Any comments suggestions would be greatly appreciated

Thank you!

JunWei Song, (krnick)

Stéphane Wirtel <stephane@wirtel.be> 於 2019年7月19日 週五 上午7:20寫道:

Sorry if I did not reply earlier but I was offline for the last 2
months, but about the capability for the spell checking, in October
2018, I have used the spellcheck-contrib
(https://github.com/sphinx-contrib/spelling). You can use it but for the
new version of Sphinx 2.x, I think there is an update to do for the

Have a nice day,


On 06/06, Chen KunYu wrote:
>Recently, tirkarthi  (xtreak) works on finding and fixing typos.
>And I (18z) came up with the idea of creating a spellcheck bot to improve
>the quality of cpython.
>We had discussion in https://github.com/python/cpython/pull/13749
>And it is summarized below:
>   -
>   Reducing typo in a constructive way.
>To be Solved:
>   -
>   Even after reducing the code checked, there will still be mostly false
>   positives.
>   -
>   High frequency of updating dictionary.txt (false positive typo).
>Next Step:
>   -
>   Interfacing the filter with aspell to get some numbers.
>   -
>   The report could be made optional with a spellcheck label.
>   -
>   Code for reducing .py files to strings and comments.
>   -
>   Command line for spellcheck.
>There are problems to be solved.
>But I think we can always find a better solution.
>So, I’ll be working on interfacing the filter with aspell to get some
>Looking forward to hearing more opinions. :D
>KunYuChen (18z)

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Stéphane Wirtel - https://wirtel.be - @matrixise
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