Hi Anatoly, On 03/23/2015 01:06 PM, anatoly techtonik wrote:
I am doing an exercise as a part of agile ux data mining team, and I need to get a list of Python modules:
But this gives only the modules that were compiled into specific interpreter, and I need a list of modules that are de-facto included in stdlib standard.
I also need this for all Python versions, and be able to fetch it as csv, json or html table format over webm so that result of my work could be validated and experiment repeated as necessary.
I see the data as the necessary step to organize a work around "externally evolving standard library", so a way to query it should be somewhat sustainable and obvious.
It might be possible to generate something from docs, like:
This way you get static information without ability to version or refresh the info (still good to have anyway to compare docs and other sources).
+1 for the idea to publish the final results to avoid "reparsing the wheel". IMHO it could be interesting for new versions to have some kind of "sys.stdlib_module_names" (as stated in SO). Why not proposing it on python-ideas? Regards, francis