Questions about the core workflow

On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Stefan Krah <skrah.temporarily <at>> wrote:
>> Since 5 years or so stating any kind of opinion that >> remotely resembles the original free software principles (by that I >> don't mean necessarily Stallman's views, just a basic desire for >> decency, privacy, and a free and open atmosphere) is shouted down >> vigorously.
Who is shouting you down here?
Sorry if I wasn't clear: I thought that Nick's paragraph was about *general* tendencies in open-source land that might necessitate an anonymous survey in order to get an accurate assessment of developer's opinions. I fully agree that *here* there was no shouting-down.
We listen, but AFAICT few agree.
Are you sure? I got the impression that at least Nick, Barry and myself would favor GitLab. And there seem to be six active people in this discussion. Stefan Krah

On Sat, 12 Dec 2015 at 11:32 Stefan Krah <> wrote:
On Sat, Dec 12, 2015 at 10:36 AM, Stefan Krah <skrah.temporarily <at>> wrote:
>> Since 5 years or so stating any kind of opinion that >> remotely resembles the original free software principles (by that I >> don't mean necessarily Stallman's views, just a basic desire for >> decency, privacy, and a free and open atmosphere) is shouted down >> vigorously.
Who is shouting you down here?
Sorry if I wasn't clear: I thought that Nick's paragraph was about *general* tendencies in open-source land that might necessitate an anonymous survey in order to get an accurate assessment of developer's opinions.
I fully agree that *here* there was no shouting-down.
We listen, but AFAICT few agree.
Are you sure? I got the impression that at least Nick, Barry and myself would favor GitLab. And there seem to be six active people in this discussion.
That's true, but I think the three of you seem to care the most to the point of bringing up the perspective of open source. Absolutely no one has privately or publicly expressed any problems with GitHub when I have brought it up on python-committers or python-dev. Yes, some people have said they would prefer GitLab, but I have yet to hear anyone say that they are anti-GitHub (you're the closest, Stefan). I have an idea in my head about settling this. Stay tuned.
participants (2)
Brett Cannon
Stefan Krah