That is a good point to consider, but even if it is a major
concern, I am not sure it leaves us much worse off than the
current situation. Consider that for anyone to implement their own
datetime subclass that actually survives any of these operations,
they must implement __add__, __radd__ and a bunch of other
functions themselves anyway. If they have an incompatible
constructor and their implementation of __add__ currently
looks like this:
def __add__(self, other):
dt = super().__add__(other)
return type(self).fromdatetime(dt)
Then this change will indeed break addition for them. It would
require them to change their implementation to something like:
def __add__(self, other):
dt = self.todatetime() + other
return type(self).fromdatetime(dt)
or some variation on the logic that exists in CPython.
That said, we already make the assumption that calling the
subclass constructor just works in several places. It's used in
replace and every alternate constructor. This change would just
make timedelta addition consistent with all the other alternate
constructors. The only people who should be affected by it are
people who create a subclass that has a different signature for
their constructor but don't use any of the existing
alternate constructors, but do make use of timedelta
addition. I think it's a pretty safe change to make.
I am happy to bring this to Python-Dev if the people opposed to
this change are not on datetime-sig.
> making timedelta addition respect the subclass of the object it was added to
I tried to fight this battle 10 years ago and I lost. See <>.
The main argument is that the """base class has no idea what requirements may exist for invoking a subclass's constructor""" All python types behave this way: int, float, lists.
On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 10:16 AM Paul Ganssle <> wrote:
_______________________________________________I would like to call your attention to my PR #10902 making timedelta addition respect the subclass of the object it was added to:
Because date and datetime have their classes hard-coded into their __add__ methods, any datetime arithmetic discards the subclass. Since datetime arithmetic is a very common primitive in datetime operations, this leads to all kinds of funky behaviors like the fact that DatetimeSubclass.fromtimestamp(0) returns a DatetimeSubclass (as it should), but DatetimeSubclass.fromtimestamp(0, timezone.utc) returns a datetime.I think that this is the right behavior (I have a more detailed rationale here: ) and I find it unlikely that there will be any significant bugs introduced by this change except in very strange edge cases. I know that changing return types like this can be seen as a major change (I do not, for example, suggest backporting this before 3.8), so I am bringing it up here to get some extra discussion on the matter.
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