Greetings, Last year at the Language Summit, I proposed to add additional concrete time zones to the standard library ( ). After much work and much more procrastination, I now have now put together my first proposal: support for the IANA time zone database (also called tz, zoneinfo or the Olson database). I have submitted this for consideration as PEP 615 ( ), and I have created a discussion thread for the PEP on the discourse forum ( ). Please give it a read and provide your constructive criticism. I have documented my reasoning for most of the design decisions, but I am very interested in getting feedback on the choices I’ve made here. I have marked two sections as “Open issues”, as they are the ones I feel most uncertain about, but all parts of it are up for discussion. For the purposes of centralizing discussion, please direct comments to the discourse thread <>. _*Links for easy access:*_ *Discussion:* *PEP:* *Reference Implementation:* *tzdata repo:* (Note: At some point I plan to move the tzdata repo to; if the reference implementation turns into a backport that will likely also move to an org as well). Thanks for your consideration! Paul