Re: [Datetime-SIG] Another round on error-checking

On Mon, Aug 31, 2015 at 1:58 PM, Tim Peters <> wrote:
I think I'd rather acknowledge that problem cases exist in a direct and straightforward way, by adding a new tzinfo (say).classify() method. For example, .classify() could return a
(kind, detail)
- kind==DTKIND_NORMAL. Not an exceptional case. detail is None.
- kind==DTKIND_FOLD_NORMAL. The datetime is in a fold, and its `fold` value is sane. detail is the datetime's `fold` value (0 or 1).
- kind==DTKIND_FOLD_INVALID. The datetime does not have `fold==0`, but the datetime is not in a fold. detail is the datetime's `fold` value (whatever it may be).
- kind==DTKIND_GAP. The datetime is in a gap. detail is a (d1, d2) 2-tuple, where `d1` and `d2` are timedeltas such that (in classic arithmetic): datetime - d1 is the closest earlier non-gap time datetime + d2 is the closest later non-gap time
Users can call that directly when they like.
I have no objection to this method as long as a default implementation in terms of a PEP 495 compliant .utcoffset() is provided in the basic datetime.tzinfo. Not a bad idea for another PEP. :-)
participants (1)
Alexander Belopolsky