On Thursday, 10 July 2014 02:52:31 UTC+1, Richard Jones wrote:
Is it possible (or desirable) that devpi be able to trigger builds of wheels for packages that it caches? I realise it'd be possible as part of a Jenkins trigger for an upload, but this is for cached packages from PyPI.

What I would like is actually somewhat simpler. I'd like to be able to set things up so that whenever devpi serves an egg or wininst file, it also serves the equivalent wheel (by running wheel convert). The "obvious" way to do this would be whenever devpi mirrors a project from PyPI it (or a hook/plugin) runs wheel convert on any exe and egg files, and caches the resulting wheels as if they had come from PyPI.

Alternatively, and just as good from my POV, would be for the plugin to add the wheels to a local index of my choosing. That would preserve /root/pypi as a PyPI mirror, but I could add my wheel index as an extra index URL, to get the wheels that way.
