El 05/06/14 20:40, Alexis Roda ha escrit:
The devpi-server URL is http://example.com/devpi/ [...] GET http://example.com/alex/prod/+f/301f72b...
404 Not Found
Here the URL seems wrong, the 'devpi' part is missing.
I've got some clues: devpy/list_remove.py def query_file_status(hub, origin): ... res = hub.http_api("get", URL(rooturl, "/" + origin).url, quiet=True) adding a leading slash to "origin" makes it absolute, discarding the path part from "rooturl":
urljoin("http://example.com/devpi/", "/alex/prod/whatever") 'http://example.com/alex/prod/whatever' urljoin("http://example.com/devpi/", "alex/prod/whatever") 'http://example.com/devpi/alex/prod/whatever'
Still not sure if this is a problem with my apache setup ("origin" should include the "devpi" part?) or a bug in devpi. Regards