Hi! I just released devpi-server 6.9.0 which includes an important fix if you use toxresults and replication. Since devpi-server 6.5.0 all uploaded toxresults have the hash of the release they are for stored in their metadata instead of the hash of the toxresult data. This prevents replication of the toxresults files. The easiest, but for some maybe inconvenient fix is an export/import cycle. This also requires the replicas to be rebuilt. I created an in place fix at: https://gist.github.com/fschulze/157070eefc05292bcfb8beb1cd4084b2 But it might cause other problems. If there are a big number of toxresults with bad hashes, then the changelog for the transaction can grow quite big. Use at your own discretion and risk. If you need support for a big installation, you can hire us via mail@pyfidelity.com. Regards, Florian Schulze
participants (1)
Florian Schulze