devpi-1.1: improved pypi cache, data migration, wheels, ...

The devpi-{server,client}-1.1 releases bring a lot of refinements and improvements for serving standalone pypi mirrors or company/private indexes which seemlessly merge in PyPI releases, mainly: - improved speed and semantics of pypi cache. devpi-server has been tested to correctly mirror all ~34000 projects on now, and minimizes upstream interactions by fully exploiting the existing mirroring protocols. - data migration: new --upgrade/import/export options. versioning of serverstate and API calls so that future changes can be detected by clients. - better support for ".whl" files and many other little improvements and bug fixes, see the changelog below for more info. Note that devpi-1.1 will require to ``--upgrade`` your 1.0 server state before you can serve with devpi-server-1.1 release. Docs also were updated. Here is a Quickstart tutorial for efficient pypi-mirroring on your laptop:: And if you want to manage your releases or implement staging as an individual or within an organisation:: If you want to permanently install devpi-server and potentially access it from many clients:: More documentation and the beginning of an exhaustive user manual:: have fun, holger CHANGELOG 1.1 ---------------------------- devpi-server: - systematically test pypi/mirror code against all 34K pypi projects so that we know that all http/https installable archive links that pypi offers are correctly recognized by devpi-server's root/pypi index. - if no pypi mirror state is known, devpi-server now calls pypi to obtain names/serials. It will fail to start if no such initial connection is possible. Once a first mirror state is known, subsequent devpi-server starts will not perform this initial query. - speed up and make more reliable all operations on private packages which have no release: we can now determine if a project exists on pypi and under which name exactly without remote queries or redirects to - fix issue45: register/upload package names are now properly validated and redirects take place if e.g. a project was registered as "name-sub" and "+simple/name_sub" is queried. - new --upgrade-state command to allow for easy and safe in-place upgrading of server state. This is not guranteed to be possible for all future releases which might require using --export with an older version and --import with a newer version. - new --export/--import options to dump and import server contents: users, indexes, docs, release files and (test) attachments. Note that root/pypi (PyPI-caching information) will not be exported/imported. (maybe in the future if there is demand). - fix issue49: both push and import/export now support docfiles. Note, however, that docfiles relate to a project as a whole and are not tied to a particular version. This property is inherited from the PyPI standard upload_docs action and cannot be changed without interfering or replacing the upload_docs protocol of setuptools/sphinx. - fix issue51: return 200 code if release file is successfully uploaded but jenkins could not be triggered (previously returned 500) - reject simple/NAME if NAME contains non-ascii characters (PEP426 naming rules) - devpi-server now returns a X-DEVPI-API-VERSION and X-DEVPI-SERVER-VERSION header. For future incompatible changes these versions allow clients to reject interactions. - also add ".serverversion" file and write it if it does not exist, and make devpi-server use it to verify if operating on a compatible server data layout, otherwise bail out. - address issue43: --gendeploy now uses pip without --pre and explicitely instructs pip to install the exact same version of devpi-server with which --gendeploy is issued. - fix issue46 -- for GET /root/pypi/ only show a link to the simple page instead of computing "latest in-stage packages" which is only useful for devpi's user indices. - fix issue37: upload with expired login causes proper 401 devpi-client: - detect "X-DEVPI-API-VERSION" header and check for compatibility. devpi-client currently supports version "1" and warns if no version is known (defaulting to "1"). - getjson now prints http reply headers if "-v|--verbose" was supplied. - fix issue52: add "--no-vcs" option to force "devpi upload" to not vcs-export files before executing build/upload - fix issue50: introduce "--toxargs" to "devpi test" invocations in order to add arbitrary arguments to tox. - fix issue43: set PIP_PRE environment variable when executing "devpi install ..." so that the behaviour between pip < 1.4 and >= 1.4 is normalized to always install development versions. - fix issue47: set PIP_USE_WHEEL with "devpi install ..." so that it will automatically pick up wheel files if pip>1.4 is used. - fix issue42: allow to set empty bases for an index, so that it doesn't inherit anything. - fix issue44: "use -l" doesn't break when a user has no index - devpi test now invokes tox in-process (by importing tox) rather than a subprocess.
participants (1)
holger krekel