Dear all,
I am working on some generative model for tractography (either GAN or VAE).Originally I thought to encode from each voxel the tensor, then I have been readingthe Yixue Fenga and Bramsh Q. Chandio paper with VAE generting synthetic tractography. e.g.
I also tried to decompose the FINTA, GESTA... though their library has become quite complex to study.
What is still unclear to me. Is what kind of data you …
[View More]pass in the first layer (not what you have in the latent space). Independently whether it is a tract or a bundle, it seems you pass entire streamline (I assume as a series of x,y,z points) not individual tensors from individual voxels. Am I right?
Can someone clarify this aspect? Thanks
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Hello all,
We are excited to announce a new release of DIPY: DIPY 1.8.0 ! This release
includes many new features and updates to support the latest Python, Numpy,
Scipy and Cython versions. The Pythonic ecosystem is growing fast. Which is
great. But please report any issues you may find.
DIPY 1.8.0 (Friday, 13 December 2023)
The release 1.8.0 received contributions from 28 developers (the full
release notes are at:
Thank you all …
[View More]for your contributions and feedback!
Please click here
<> to check
1.8.0 API changes.
Highlights of 1.8.0 release include:
Python 3.12.0 support.
Cython 3.0.0 compatibility.
Migrated to Meson build system. Setuptools is no more.
EVAC+ novel DL-based brain extraction method added.
Parallel Transport Tractography (PTT) 10X faster.
Many Horizon updates. Fast overlays of many images.
New Correlation Tensor Imaging (CTI) method added.
Improved warnings for optional dependencies.
Large documentation update. New theme/design integration.
Closed 197 issues and merged 130 pull requests.
Here is also a reminder of the previous highlights (which was not announced
- due to the large changes in the Pythonic ecosystem).
Highlights of 1.7.0 release include:
NF: BundleWarp - Streamline-based nonlinear registration method for
bundles added.
NF: DKI+ - Diffusion Kurtosis modeling with advanced constraints added.
NF: Synb0 - Synthetic b0 creation added using deep learning added.
NF: New Parallel Transport Tractography (PTT) added.
NF: Fast Streamline Search algorithm added.
NF: New denoising methods based on 1D CNN added.
Handle Asymmetric Spherical Functions.
Large update of DIPY Horizon features.
Multiple Workflows updated
Large codebase cleaning.
Large documentation update. Integration of Sphinx-Gallery.
Closed 53 issues and merged 34 pull requests.
To upgrade or install <> DIPY
Run the following command in your terminal (works across Mac, Linux, Win):
pip install --upgrade dipy
This version of DIPY depends on nibabel (3.0.0+).
For visualization you need FURY (0.9.0+).
Questions or suggestions?
For any questions go to our new website at, or send an
e-mail to dipy(a)
We also have an instant messaging service and chat room available at
Finally, a new discussion forum is available at
Have a wonderful time using this new version and please support us by citing
DIPY in your papers using the following DOI: 10.3389/fninf.2014.00008
In addition, registration for the online DIPY workshop 2024 (March 11-15)
is open! The workshop will continue equipping you with the skills and
knowledge needed to master the latest techniques and tools in structural
and diffusion imaging. See the exquisite program and keynote speakers here
Register now <>!
On behalf of the DIPY developers,
Eleftherios Garyfallidis, Ariel Rokem, Serge Koudoro
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Dear Conference Secretariat
I am interested for registration for this work shop. I am a neuroradiologist and wondering if it can be attended on line and able to take the recorded versions for practical sessions
The information contained in this transmission contains privileged and confidential information. It is intended only for the use of the person named above. If you are not the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that any review, dissemination, distribution or …
[View More]duplication of this communication is strictly prohibited. If you are not the intended recipient, please contact the sender by reply email and destroy all copies of the original message.
CAUTION: Intended recipients should NOT use email communication for emergent or urgent health care matters.
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Hello all,
This is a friendly reminder that *today, At 1 pm EST*, we have our monthly
open meeting.
This meeting is focused for developers and contributors
The zoom link for these talks is
See below the initial schedule of future meetings (you can also add
DIPY calendar
in your calendar (h
- Friday, September 15th CTI
- Monday, October 2nd. : Documentation & Release / …
[View More]packaging
- Monday, November 6th: Tractography & Need for speed
- Monday December 4th: Open question / Image Registration
- Monday January 8th: Happy new year introduction / workshop request and
- Monday February 5th: TBD
- Monday March 4th: TBD
- *DIPY WORKSHOP 2024 March 11-15* (you can already register!) https://dipy
See you all online.
On Behalf of the DIPY Team,
*Serge Koudoro*
Software Developer
Intelligent Systems Engineering
Garyfallidis Research Group <>
School of Informatics, Computing, and Engineering
Luddy Hall
700 N Woodlawn Ave, 4056
Bloomington, IN 47408
skoudoro(a) <skoudoro(a)>
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