Postdoctoral position: neuroinformatics and neuroscience of aging

The Neuroinformatics Research & Development Group at the University of Washington Department of Psychology and eScience Institute <> conducts research on the biological basis of brain function using computational tools that we develop and maintain. We are seeking to fill an open position for a postdoctoral researcher. The successful candidate will have the opportunity to work together with a wide network of collaborators on data from the Adult Changes in Thought Study <>. The position is funded through a new 5-year NIH grant <> . The researcher will have an opportunity to ask a range of questions and study unique datasets of multi-modal imaging data that include longitudinal measurements of functional MRI, diffusion MRI, ante- and post-mortem measurements of structural MRI, as well as histological measurements conducted in the same individuals. These measurements are done in the context of a wealth of measurements of cognition, health, lifestyle, and environment. The position provides an opportunity to develop novel analysis pipelines and statistical methods to process, merge, and interpret these datasets in light of scientific questions about the brain basis of cognitive aging, with a particular focus on Alzheimer’s disease. *Required qualifications:*- PhD in Psychology, Neuroscience, or related fields. - Strong programming skills (preferably in the Python programming language) - (Experience analyzing large, complex, and heterogeneous datasets is preferred) Interested applicants should send a cover letter detailing their research interests, CV and the names of three references to or apply through:
participants (1)
Ariel Rokem