Dear Julio,
Thank you for advertising here. Such a great research topic!
This is also an opportunity for me to say that tractometry is something
that we really care about and have been pushing forward from 2008! When
there was not even a name for this domain. We were simply calling it "along
the tracts statistics (for severe tissue damage)". Lol.
All sorts of technologies had to be developed here (QuickBundles,
RecoBundles, BundleWarp) and in other teams around the globe to get to a
stage where tractometry became useful. And now the results are often better
and more robust than ever expected. A great change in the way people
analyze dMRI data and hopefully a new path for future research in
Neuroscience, Neurology and beyond.
For those who want to submit a paper and care more about the application
side of things ... You guys can simply start building on top of BUAN (our
bundle analytics framework aka tractometry framework) as it is already
available in DIPY. AFQ is now also an option in BUAN. Because the new AFQ
uses some of BUAN's tech.
Our bundle analytics framework is overall quite fast, modular and flexible.
Link to our command line interfaces (CLIs)
Link to our tutorials
We are also interested in building synergies with scientists/engineers who
want to extend DIPY with new tractometry algorithms. Be happy to brainstorm
in this thread or contact us directly. This synergy can lead to some cool
advances and hopefully a paper in this special section in Frontiers.
Finally, tractometry often needs access to cloud services and we have been
extending DIPY to work across multiple nodes etc. If you are using BUAN in
your clusters please provide feedback for improvements. We have some
scripts that allow BUAN to run in ENIGMA or similar large computer networks
that we can share.
Happy hacking and publishing!
Best regards,
On Tue, Aug 22, 2023 at 11:03 PM Julio Villalon <>
Dear Neuroimagers,
I hope this email finds you well. I am writing as the co-editor of the
recently launched Research Topic, *"Methods and Applications of Diffusion
MRI Tractometry"*, published with * Frontiers in Neuroscience*. We are
excited to bring together a comprehensive collection of cutting-edge
research in the field of diffusion MRI tractometry, and we believe your
knowledge and expertise could greatly contribute to the success of this
This Research Topic focuses on exploring the versatile applications of
diffusion MRI tractometry in neuroscience. It seeks contributions that
utilize tractometry techniques, showcase their relevance in various
research fields, and highlight their use in studying brain connectivity and
neurological conditions.
Key areas of interest:
Applications in neurological, psychiatric, and developmental disorders and
in studying stroke, brain injuries, and the relationship between white
matter tracts, behavior, cognitive function, and longitudinal assessments
of disease progression or age-related changes in white matter connectivity.
Benefits of Participation:
By contributing to this research topic, your work will be published in *Frontiers
in Neuroscience*, a reputable journal with an Impact Factor of 4.3 and a
CiteScore of 6.8. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase your
expertise and research findings to a wide audience in the field.
Important Details:
For further information about the editorial team, article types, and
submission deadlines, please visit our topic's webpage:
Should you have any questions or need additional clarification, please do
not hesitate to contact me. Your insights and inquiries are highly valued.
Methods and Applications of Diffusion MRI Tractometry
Guest Editors:
- Kurt G Schilling
- Vanderbilt University Medical Center, Nashville, United States
- Julio Ernesto Villalón-Reina
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States
- Bramsh Qamar Chandio
- University of Southern California, Los Angeles, United States
Kind Regards,
Julio Ernesto Villalón-Reina, MD, PhD
Topic Editor,
Brain Imaging Methods Section, Frontiers in Neuroscience
On behalf of the Topic Editors.