DIPY 2020 workshop

Hello, I am attending the DIPY 2020 workshop March 16th and wanted to ask a few clarifying questions before making my final travel arrangements. First, is there any plan to cancel the workshop due to Coronavirus issues? - I have booked my flight and preregistered for the workshop, however, I wanted to reach out before getting a hotel room/booking a shuttle. Secondly, what material should we bring with us if any, to the workshop? Thank you, *Daniel Callow* *Graduate Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science* Exercise for Brain Health Lab University of Maryland, College Park *ddcc2442@gmail.com <ddcc2442@gmail.com>* 443-254-6298

Hi Daniel, Thank you for reaching out! There are no plans to cancel the workshop! You can go ahead with booking the room and shuttle :) As for the material: Just a Laptop with Python 3 installed should be good. We have a majority of DIPY dev-team present during the workshop who will be helping you analyze data and even collaborate on research ideas relevant to your research. For this purpose, we have a poster session in the schedule to dive deeper into the your work and help incorporate DIPY in it! Does this help? Let us know if you have any other questions. Regards, Shreyas? ________________________________ From: Daniel Callow <ddcc2442@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 2:16 PM To: dipy@python.org Subject: [External] [Dipy] DIPY 2020 workshop This message was sent from a non-IU address. Please exercise caution when clicking links or opening attachments from external sources. Hello, I am attending the DIPY 2020 workshop March 16th and wanted to ask a few clarifying questions before making my final travel arrangements. First, is there any plan to cancel the workshop due to Coronavirus issues? - I have booked my flight and preregistered for the workshop, however, I wanted to reach out before getting a hotel room/booking a shuttle. Secondly, what material should we bring with us if any, to the workshop? Thank you, Daniel Callow Graduate Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Exercise for Brain Health Lab University of Maryland, College Park ddcc2442@gmail.com<mailto:ddcc2442@gmail.com> 443-254-6298

Hi Daniel, Thank you for reaching out! There are no plans to cancel the workshop! You can go ahead with booking the room and shuttle :) As for the material: Just a Laptop with Python 3 installed should be good. We have a majority of DIPY dev-team present during the workshop who will be helping you analyze data and even collaborate on research ideas relevant to your research. For this purpose, we have a poster session in the schedule to dive deeper into the your work and help incorporate DIPY in it! Does this help? Let us know if you have any other questions. Regards, Shreyas? ________________________________ From: Daniel Callow <ddcc2442@gmail.com> Sent: Friday, February 28, 2020 2:16 PM To: dipy@python.org Subject: [External] [Dipy] DIPY 2020 workshop This message was sent from a non-IU address. Please exercise caution when clicking links or opening attachments from external sources. Hello, I am attending the DIPY 2020 workshop March 16th and wanted to ask a few clarifying questions before making my final travel arrangements. First, is there any plan to cancel the workshop due to Coronavirus issues? - I have booked my flight and preregistered for the workshop, however, I wanted to reach out before getting a hotel room/booking a shuttle. Secondly, what material should we bring with us if any, to the workshop? Thank you, Daniel Callow Graduate Student, Neuroscience and Cognitive Science Exercise for Brain Health Lab University of Maryland, College Park ddcc2442@gmail.com<mailto:ddcc2442@gmail.com> 443-254-6298
participants (2)
Daniel Callow
Fadnavis, Shreyas Sanjeev