[DIPY Workshop 2022] Day 3 videos are ready for you + exciting live keynotes!

Hello all, We released the third day of educational videos! Some of the *highlights *today include: a) A video by *Dr. Rheault* showing *how to correct tractography file formats and understand their spaces*. Example data sets and notebooks for this talk are available here. <https://drive.google.com/file/d/1sy1REAljO_ztHf358Rnhy3R_8jez9h4s/view?usp=s...> b) A first live keynote at 11 am EDT with *Dr. Aydogan* explaining *parallel transport tractography*. This tracking approach has been successful across many challenges and you should know about it. c) A second live keynote at 2 pm EDT with *Prof. O'Donnell* who will speak about the super exciting work in performing *white matter parcellation using deep learning*. *Simply go to dipy.org <http://dipy.org/> -> Login -> Workshop Space -> 2022 -> Schedule and click on Day 3.* [image: image.png] See you online and at the integrated chatroom. On behalf of the DIPY team, Eleftherios p.s. If you have not registered yet please register here <https://dipy.org/workshops/dipy-workshop-2022#Registration>.
participants (2)
Eleftherios Garyfallidis
Eleftherios Garyfallidis