

June 2000

  • 25 participants
  • 53 discussions
Re: [Distutils] cleaning up packages
by Michael Muller June 8, 2000

June 8, 2000
cleaning up packages
by Randall Hopper June 7, 2000

June 7, 2000
-I paths and ext_modules
by Randall Hopper June 6, 2000

June 6, 2000

June 6, 2000
Patch to bdist_rpm
by Harry Henry Gebel June 6, 2000

June 6, 2000
bug in install_scripts
by Greg Kochanski June 6, 2000

June 6, 2000
bdist_rpm and RPM 2
by Greg Ward June 4, 2000

June 4, 2000
bdist_rpm patch
by Harry Henry Gebel June 3, 2000

June 3, 2000
Confusing options error msg
by Randall Hopper June 3, 2000

June 3, 2000
RPM questions
by Greg Ward June 2, 2000

June 2, 2000