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e-mail: pastorinha(a)ieg.com.br
[View More]Beijos:- Keila - Curitiba - Pr
- Podes falar comigo, direto dela. Brevemente uma Carta Aberta.
"Esta mensagem é enviada com a complacência da nova legislação
sobre correio eletrônico, Seção 301, Parágrafo (a) (2) (c) Decreto S.
1618, Título Terceiro aprovado pelo "105º Congresso Base das
Normativas Internacionais sobre o SPAM". Este E-mail não poderá
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Para ser removido de futuros correios, simplesmente responda
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When packaging a Python module is it possible to stop the automatic
creation of .pyc on installation?
I ask because in PythonCard we currently store our configuration data in
files that are imported but never executed (i.e. they just contain a
list). When I package up the prototype and make it available I would
like to be able to stop .pyc versions of these files being created.
In the future we will probably change the way this data is stored to
avoid this, but in the mean time I …
[View More]was wondering what I can do. Any and
all suggestions are welcome.
From the desk of Andrew J Todd esq.
"Hit me with your fax machine, baby" - Francis Dunnery, "Because I Can"
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> i've been trying to walk one of my users through compiling
> on max osx. it seems many things are wrong (or at least
> unframiliar) on osx.
Switching to Python 2.2a4 should make a lot of difference. Many of the
ideosyncracies with the MacOSX build process for Python have been ironed out
in that release.
Jack Jansen | ++++ stop the execution of Mumia Abu-Jamal ++++
Jack.Jansen(a)oratrix.com | ++++ if you agree copy these lines to your sig ++++
[View More] | see http://www.xs4all.nl/~tank/spg-l/sigaction.htm
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