Well, people shouldn't be running getpip manually very often in the first
The one thing I do *not* want to preclude is security improvements in
Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan <at> gmail.com> writes: place. maintenance
releases. Those *may* require visible CLI changes (e.g. a flag to opt in to signature checking). End users should then get the enhanced security automatically most of the time (as the installers and pyvenv pass in the flag), while direct invocations will remain unaltered (as they *won't* pass the new flag).
I definitely agree with this :)
(although, to be honest, while I don't work for the Platform team, it wouldn't surprise me if Red Hat still left pip and getpip out of RHEL and only included it in Red Hat Software Collections, regardless of what our recommendations say).
Yes, I suppose Debian may make the same choice. Distributions like their "minimal" packages :) Regards Antoine.