Has anyone ever written a setup.py that was *not* copy-and-pasted from somewhere else? On Thu, Jan 16, 2014 at 5:17 AM, Paul Moore <p.f.moore@gmail.com> wrote:
On 16 January 2014 09:40, Nick Coghlan <ncoghlan@gmail.com> wrote:
Audrey Roy's "cookiecutter" project is just such a tool (although her default config is far from minimal - setup.py, GitHub, ReadTheDocs, tox, Travis, documentation skeleton, etc. It's all reasonable recommendations, though)
Agreed, I was pointed to that at one point. For me, it suffers from the problem of being yet another tool, as well as the default template available being very complex, as you said. But yes, it looks useful for more complex projects.
I do think the PUG needs a "this is how you start" basic template though, that includes good practices like the right classifiers, using entry points for scripts, basic unit tests, a readme etc. The current guide doesn't even have a "Basic Project Template" section in the index :-( I'll try to find some time to add one.
On that note, the PUG index currently feels a little overwhelming from the point of view of someone who just wants to get a job done. it's got a lot of "Getting started with X" and "What is" sections, but nothing like "Installing a package from PyPI" or "Starting a new project". Maybe the index should be reorganised to be more task-oriented, and less concerned with providing history and background to the confusion that led us to where we are now? I'd be tempted to actually remove a lot of what's currently in the contents, and relegate it to some sort of "background" section (which would probably need to be organised into subsections of its own, but that level of detail doesn't need to be on the front page).