Dear sir/maddam

I am using python Release 2.3.3, but I cant use it solving the following  python source code. Would you please help me in solving the following problem using some other python release.


Consider the following Python code:

def expo(s,lm,N):
  return reduce(lambda x,m: pow(x,m,N),lm,s)
 def hamming(a):
  return a>0 and (a%2)+hamming(a/2) or 0
 def htot(k):
  lm=[pow(i,i,N) for i in range(1,n+1)]
  lz=[expo(3,lm[:j]+lm[j+1:],N) for j in range(n)]
  return sum([hamming(z) for z in lz])

The function htot gives the following result for small values of k:

>>>  [htot(i) for i in range(3,8)]
[35, 122L, 540L, 2068L, 8070L]

You are scincerely asked to compute the value of function htot for larger values of k. Go as far as you can. 

I am expecting your fast respond.



With Best Regards.



Kalkidan Aweke


Addis Ababa
