Hi, I'm posting here to raise awareness about a new Draft packaging interoperability PEP I am proposing [1]. This document originated from the need to implement pip issue #609 [2], ie improving the behavior of pip freeze in presence of distributions installed from direct URL references. In a thread [3] on discuss.python.org it was suggested a new PEP was needed to standardize the recording of the required information in .dist-info. After investigation, I found out PEP426 (now withdrawn) had a concept of source_url metadata, which almost satisfied the requirement. [1] is therefore a revival of source_url, with a different storage format to allow for additional use cases. Looking forward to reading your comments. Best regards, -sbi [1] https://github.com/python/peps/pull/1009 [2] https://github.com/pypa/pip/issues/609 [3] https://discuss.python.org/t/pip-freeze-vcs-urls-and-pep-517-feat-editable-i...