Ben Finney wrote:
Eric Smith <> writes:
Ben Finney wrote:
Since the specification is about version *comparison* semantics, I'd need to know example version strings that should compare “prior” and “subsequent” for the version string I'm to propose. Can you give examples? I want to install the latest version of Python. My choices are 3.3.1 (the released version) and 3.3.1rc1.
And what version string should this compare prior to?
That is, you want me to propose an example version string X. I'm asking for you to tell me corresponding examples of version strings W and Y where:
W < X < Y
since the comparison semantics are what we're discussing here.
W = 3.3.0 Y = 3.3.1 If you're going to suggest or some such, I think that won't work. It's important that code sees that as 3.3.1.<something>. I've seen code that fails when the pre-release versions have a different MAJOR.MINOR.MICRO than the final version. I really think we need a "subtractive" versioning scheme. Eric.