Jim Ahlstrom wrote:
Not if you deliberately SET PYTHONPATH=. which cuts the registry out entirely. For my installer / standalone, I deliberately muck with the environment before loading python and executing the "main" script.
A Windows user normally sets the "Start in" directory in the shortcut to something other than the directory of the binary. In other words, the current directory "." is unreliable. Users can right-click their icon and change it.
OK - os.path.dirname(sys.argv[0]). In my case it doesn't matter. I have just concatenated my archive (of python15.dll, any .pyzs, exceptions.py, site.py etc.) onto the end of the executable. When run, it opens itself as a file and unpacks the archive into the current directory. Then it does a _putenv("PYTHONPATH=.") and dynamically loads python15.dll. If you're using Run.exe, it even cleans up whatever it unpacked at end of run. More advanced would be to make the archive a legit resource section of the exe, but I can't see that as worth the effort (esp. since I don't expect my users to have compilers, and I've already gone to the work of finding the import sections in dll headers so I can find binary dependencies...) - Gordon