I had some thoughts on documentation integration (and its deprecation in Warehouse), which I wrote up here: https://paper.dropbox.com/doc/Integrated-Docs-is-an-Essential-Feature-HEqnF8iWzCFwkCDaz0p8t

I include the full text below for ease of access and response.

Yesterday, as I was migrating Setuptools from PyPI to Warehouse due to this issue, Donald alerted me to the fact that Warehouse does not plan to support documentation hosting, and as a result, integrated documentation for the packaging infrastructure is deprecated.

At first blush, this decision seems like a sound one - decouple independent operations and allow a mature, established organization like RTD to support and manage Python Package documentation. I have nothing but respect for RTD; I reference them here only as the prime example of a third-party doc hosting solution.

After spending most of a day working on getting just one project documentation (mostly) moved from PyPI to RTD, I’ve realized there are several shortcomings with this approach. Integrated hosting provides several benefits not offered by RTD:

For me, this last limitation is the most onerous. I maintain dozens of projects, many of them in collaboration with other teams, and in many of those, I rely on a model implementation that leverages PyPI hosting as part of the package release process to publish documentation. Moving each of these projects to another hosting service would require the manual creation and configuration of another project for each. As I consider the effort it would take to port all of these projects and maintain them in a new infrastructure, I’m inclined to drop documentation support for all but the most prominent projects.

The linkage provided by PyPI was a most welcome feature, and I’m really sad to see it go. I’d be willing to give up item 5 (Control) if the other items could be addressed.