At 03:15 PM 7/30/2007 -0400, Stanley A. Klein wrote:
I don't need to build the .so files. They are already built. That had to be done using the build-in-place and the numpy distutils for reasons I don't fully understand but are related to the use of numpy.
Have you tried building them with setuptools, using the numpy distutils 'build_ext' command, using: setup( cmdclass = dict(build_ext = numpy_build_ext_class_here), ext_modules = list_of_Extension_objects, ... ) Unless there is a radical difference between numpy distutils and the regular distutils, you should be able to do this. Just find numpy's "build_ext" class, and define the appropriate Extension() objects (for the things to build) in your setup script. Setuptools will then delegate the building to numpy, but handle the installing itself. Again, this is assuming that numpy's distutils extensions don't do anything unfriendly like completely redefine how extension objects work or assume that their commands will be only mixed with other numpy commands. (Setuptools doesn't make such assumptions, and tries to leave the normal distutils stuff alone as much as possible.)