On Thu, May 5, 2016 at 2:47 AM, Nathaniel Smith <njs@pobox.com> wrote:
> When you introduce isolation, the build will only have the standard
> library + whatever is declared as a dep: and pyqt5 has no source on
> PyPI.

so build isolation isolates you from arbitrary system libs? now you NEED to ship all your non-trivial dependent libs. which I guess is the point, but again, we're re-implementing conda here.

And the only time where it makes sense to force this build requirement is when you are building binary wheels to put up on PyPi. So maybe part of bdist_wheel??

OH -- and you need to make sure there is an isolated test environment too -- which is a bit of pain, particularly when the tests aren't installed as part of the package.

And, of course this means a version of virtualenv that isolates you from system libs -- that might be quite hard to do, actually.

and again, conda :-)




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