On 06/08/2019 09:15, Michael wrote: OK - been about a week - so, before I forget everything a list-ping... Quick summary: re: manylinix1 approach: read several docs and checked CPython - please tell me if/where I am missing something. * I do not have a Linux system to look at separately, maybe I must look for a system (I can trash by accident) * the manylinux support is external to CPython (Lib/distutils) * how does pip/dist-utils interpet the "label" that is applied to a package * is the label applied by the CPython distutils package, or is that package "overwritten" by the distutils part of pip? This concerns whether I would need to write a PR for CPython, or for distutils (aka, who is the 'owner' of distutils I suppose there is more - but I hope to get some level of synchronization before getting too far along. Thanks for your assistance! Michael
On 01/08/2019 11:07, Michael wrote:
So, to my question: currently, for AIX get_host_platform returns something such as: aix-6.1.
Considering above: what would you - as more expericenced with multi-oslevel packaging and low levels are accepted by high-levels, but not v.v. "What should the AIX get_host_platform() string contain?"
At a minimum I forsee: return "%s-%s.%s-%s" % (osname, version, release, platform.architecture()[0])
But this does not address potential issues where the TL level within a version.release has changed. (X.Y.TL5 built packages MIGHT work on X.YTL4, but there is no reason to expect them to.
So, I would look to something that remains recognizable, but uses different 'punctuation'
e.g., oslevel -s returns a string such as: 6100-09-10-1731
Then using the equivalent of:
version, release, service, builddata = '6100-09-10-1731'.split('-')
return "%s-%s.%s.%s-%s" % (osname, version, release, service, platform.architecture()[0]) What I forgot to mention - there is likely incompatibilities when different compilers are used. This is definetly the case when source files need a C compiler - and I fear that the different run-time environments of gcc versus xlc (which does not need/link to glibc).
So, how does, e.g., macos account for differences between clang and gcc compiled executables and modules. Or are both compilers "gnu" oriented? OK - after reading PEP513 (and PEP571) I see that the "approach" is different. These PEPs came up with a 'white-list' of acceptable shared
On 03/08/2019 12:16, Ronald Oussoren via Distutils-SIG wrote: libraries - while the AIX approach has focused on "new OS levels support old OS levels".
In any case - I see this as a "format" for a wheel 'label'
where, I assume cp27 stands for CPython-2.7 - so the "front-end": PKG-VERSION-cp27-cp27m- is 'provided' and what I need to replace is the 'tail' manylinux1_x86_64.whl
So, since my approach is NOT to have a list of acceptable libraries - I guess I would start with something like:
PKG-VERSION-cp37-cp37m-aix_6100_07-32b.whl and PKG-VERSION-cp37-cp37md-aix_6100_07-32b.whl
++++ PEP571 mentions "try:\n import _manylinux\n..."
As I look around I get the impression that this is a module that the manylinux docker image is 'inserting'.
The deeper I look, the less I see in this approach. The "common-ground" is that they also state the 'heart' of having portable code is having access to an "old" machine - and providing that via docker.
++++ What I am looking to accomplish is to have a way to "accept" a package labeled
PKG-VERSION-cp37-cp37md-aix_6100_09-32b.whl if the label "I" would generate is:
PKG-VERSION-cp37-cp37md-aix_6100_10-32b.whl or PKG-VERSION-cp37-cp37md-aix_7100_07-32b.whl
but not accept
PKG-VERSION-cp37-cp37md-aix_6100_07-32b.whl or PKG-VERSION-cp37-cp37m-aix_6100_09-32b.whl or PKG-VERSION-cp37-cp37md-aix_6100_09-64b.whl
This means the "mdu" characters need to match, also the cpXY - and the "32|64"b and the aix_XY00_TL needs to be lower, or equal to the 'running' system.
So, what am I missing - and where should this (plus anything else) be inserted?
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