On 6/29/06, Phillip J. Eby <pje@telecommunity.com> wrote:
At 04:13 PM 6/29/2006 +0100, Paul Moore wrote:
Agreed. But in the absence of a standard, supporting package authors' existing approaches, which work with other distutils mechanisms, seems like a reasonable requirement.
Anything that the package author installs as package data, or using the data_files option to setup(), is included in the egg. And if you install unzipped, you should be able to browse the included docs.
Hmm. I'll try building an egg from scratch, when I get access to a machine with internet access without a painful proxy. It's too much hassle right now to remember the magic incantations I need to make to get setuptools installed through our firewall (more a firewall problem than a setuptools one...) :-( It may be that the problem I recall was with easy_install's process for building an egg from a bdist_wininst, rather than with a proper egg build. Paul.