On Mon, Jul 23, 2018 at 8:17 PM, Alex Walters <tritium-list@sdamon.com> wrote:As a user of certbot, docker, conda, nix, and guix are non-starters. I'm not depending on those tools for my production server (and while docker may be a dependency for some people, that is hardly universal). Adding heavyweight technical dependencies are problematic if your goal is to get everyone using your software. You're better off with cx_freeze or pyinstaller binaries downloaded from a website or a PPA-like-system to add to system package managers, which are not perfect solutions either.I would emphasize this point.The real question here is what use case you're targeting. Many sysadmin and devops type folks will simply never *ever* use a language-specific package manager; they'll tell you that for them, your tool or library doesn't exist unless it's accessible via the operating-system package manager (RPM, .deb, etc.). Language-specific package managers are at best for the users of the systems those people maintain, to handle application dependencies (and the sysadmin/devops people try, in their ideal world, to push for those to be replaced by custom system-package-manager repositories).So it's likely that there's not much utility in having this be installable via the language-specific Python packaging toolchain, because your target users will refuse to take advantage of that toolchain.
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