Donald is keen to get the updated versions of packaging/pip/setuptools out that fix the regression in handling exclusive ordered comparison, so this is a last call for feedback on those changes before we publish the updated version of the PEP to (and then update the tools accordingly).

Given the proximity to New Year's celebrations, I currently plan to publish the updated version some time on Saturday 3rd January (UTC+10).

The actual definition of the change is in

The key fix is making "> X.Y" accept "X.Y.Z" maintenance releases again, which brings PEP 440 into line with the behaviour in pkg_resources prior to the release of setuptools 8.0.

The change log also notes that this update includes the revision to the normalised form of release candidates:

There's at least one more clarification to the PEP text still to be made based on community feedback (, but that doesn't require any changes to the tools, so I don't mind if it doesn't make it into this initial update.


Nick Coghlan   |   |   Brisbane, Australia