On Wed, Apr 20, 2005 at 09:37:13AM -0400, Stefan Seefeld wrote:
Are you in a position (and willing, of course) to share the code for above mentioned commands?
Sure. Have a look at
* 'config' calls 'configure' on a number of subprojects * 'build_syn_ext' runs 'make' on extension modules (completely bypassing distutils' own 'Extension' data structure !) * 'build_syn_clib' runs 'make' on subprojects that generate standalone DSOs, not meant to be directly accessed as python extensions * 'test' runs a unit/regression test suite (qmtest based)
Good luck !
Thanks! I will try it as soon as I have some free time. Best regards Christoph -- http://www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/TI/Mitarbeiter/cludwig.html LiDIA: http://www.informatik.tu-darmstadt.de/TI/LiDIA/Welcome.html